‘This Should Be Illegal’: Man Slammed for Getting Disabled Woman Pregnant, and Now Their Baby Is ‘Perfect’

Their relationship drew a lot of criticism, with some believing Noah had a “disability fetish.” When they announced their pregnancy, they received even more hostility. Alex and Noah had a lovely, healthy baby daughter.

Alex and Noah are a couple who defies the odds and pushes limits through their love. Alex is a crippled woman who suffers from spinal muscular atrophy, a rare disease that has a significant impact on her daily life.

The inter-abled pair met on Bumble’s dating platform and hit it up right away. Over a year later, they were still going strong.

After seven months of dating, they revealed they were expecting their first child together. However, Alex said that the pregnancy has been difficult because she has had to discontinue her therapy, necessitating Noah’s full-time care.

When she is on her medicine, she is more physically autonomous, but with clear boundaries, the pair has established a successful routine.

Alex and Noah admitted that their family were apprehensive of their relationship when they first started dating.

Noah was not instantly accepted by Alex’s family because to his background of drug misuse. He had been to rehab three times and feels the third time helped him gain control of his condition.

On the other hand, Noah’s family struggled to wrap their head around him dating a disabled person, but the more Alex spent time around them, the more they warmed up to her.

As much as both families have learned to support the couple, they still receive a lot of looks, “almost to a point where people break their necks,” said Noah.

The repeated stares made Noah uneasy, but Alex was unconcerned. She stated that having lived with a disability her entire life, she had grown accustomed to people giving her unpleasant stares.

Aside from the staredowns they received in public, Alex and Noah’s relationship was constantly scrutinized on social media. People thought Noah had a “disability fetish,” presuming his physical and sєхuαl attraction to his partner wasn’t genuine.

Their pregnancy announcement, however, sparked much more hostility. During their interview on “Love Don’t Judge,” the couple showed footage of their reaction to a positive pregnancy test.

In the video, Alex had three positive tests lined up. The mother-to-be experienced a range of emotions at first because the event was unexpected.

Noah admitted that they were both excited and nervous. Part of the worry stemmed from Alex’s delivery. She explained that she would be intubated, which was risky for someone with her disease. However, Alex was confident that her medical team would ensure she delivered a healthy baby.

The couple also received gifts from their followers; one was a box of spinal muscular atrophy-friendly bottles, which meant they were light enough for Alex to hold and feed her child.

But whatever hate Alex and Noah received did not deter them from embracing their family. The couple remained excited for their next chapter as a family of three and wanted their love story to show the many different relationships that exist.

Just like any other couple, Alex and Noah made it clear that they are worthy of love and building a loving family together. So, to those that did not believe in them, Alex said, “We are not going anywhere.”

Alex updated her fans 24 hours before her baby’s birth. She posted a heartfelt collage of her prenatal journey and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to create life with the love of her life.

After three weeks in the intensive care unit, the mother posted another amazing video of her and Noah taking their child home for the first time.

Instagram users reacted positively to Ari’s arrival. “She’s so perfect,” one fan said, while many others thought the infant was stunning.

Fans advised Alex to enjoy the newborn stage because it goes very quickly, while another praised her and stated that a daughter is a mother’s closest friend. Most importantly, people couldn’t stop complimenting Ari for her perfection and beauty.

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