There’s No Tired Quite Like Mom Tired


There’s no tired quite like mom tired.

It’s being tired of being the responsible one who never gets a mental break because if she does, nothing will get done.

It’s holding her phone in her hand and looking all over the house for it because she has so many things on her mind and is running on empty, so she doesn’t realize it’s been in her hand the entire time.

It’s throwing her hair up into a messy bun on top of her head because she has no energy or time to do anything else.

It’s looking in the mirror and feeling bad about her body because it’s not the “after picture” she always imagined it’d look like at this point postpartum.

It’s being tired of EVERYONE’s opinions about how SHE should mother. Because she’s always doing it the “wrong way,” and “the other mother” is so much better.

It’s being tired of mom-guilt shaming her and telling her she’s not good enough.

It’s spending “alone time” doing anything else but relaxing because HOW ELSE IS EVERYTHING GOING TO GET DONE?

It’s never finishing a conversation without someone jumping in, screaming “Mommy look!” or tugging on her shirt.

And It’s more complicated than a tired that can be fixed with a nap.

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