The Man Is Racked With Guilt And Confesses To His Neighbor

A guy sends a text to his next-door neighbor:

“Bob, I’m sorry.

I’ve been riddled with guilt and I have to confess: I have been helping myself to your wife when you’re not around, probably more than you.

It’s been so incredible and fun, I’ve not been able to stop myself. Sometimes it goes on for hours and hours. I know it’s no excuse but I don’t get it at home. I can’t live with the guilt any longer. I hope you’ll accept my sincerest apology. It won’t happen again. ”Feeling outraged and betrayed, Bob storms into the bedroom and curses at his wife.

Moments later, the guy sends another text:“Bloomin’ auto-correct. I meant to say ‘wifi’.”

A very sick woman on her sick bed said to her husband:

Honey if I die, how long would it take you before you marry a another wife…?!

The man replied: Till your grave becomes dry my love.

Then she said: Are you promising me this…?

Husband replied: Of course darling… I promise you.

And after her demise, her husband began to visit her grave everyday for a period of one year. And the grave was always wet, it never became dry…!!! And a day came when he visited the graveyard … And a day came when he visited the graveyard in the evening, he found her brother in the graveyard.

He then asked him: Jason what are you doing here…?

He replied: I’m fulfilling the wish of my only sister. She said I should please come here everyday to wet her grave.

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