I Love Being A Boy Mom

When I got pregnant the second time around, I was really hoping for a girl. I had a boy already, so one of each would be just perfect, right? Well, instead, I ended up with a second baby boy, and let me tell you–I couldn’t be happier. I love being a boy mom!

I Am A Mom of All Boys and I Love It

Why I Love Being a Boy Mom?

1. Dressing Them is Easier (and Cheaper!)

Girl clothes are cute, but boy clothes are quick and easy! I tell my 5 year old “find some jeans and a shirt” and he can assemble a perfectly matching outfit and get dressed all by himself. No dealing with hair bows, princess costumes, tights and an endless battle every time we go to the store. For the most part, he’s content in whatever.

2. They’re Fun.

My boys are just about as silly and rambunctious as they come. They love running, screaming, putting toy drills in each other’s belly buttons… (don’t ask). Basically, they live life at full speed and they have a blast doing it!

3. They Remind Me to Not Take Life So Seriously.

If I yelled at my boys every time they were rambunctious or dangerous, I wouldn’t have a voice left. They are boys. I should have chosen “rambunctious” and “dangerous” as their middle names. (Seriously, it would have been perfect.) Instead, I’ve learned (or, rather, I try!) to focus on the big stuff, and not worry so much about the little details.

4. I Worry Less.

Speaking of worry, I love that I don’t have to worry as much with boys. My boys are very rough and tumble. If they fall off the couch, they laugh and keep playing. If they get dirty, they don’t even notice. They’re too busy having fun.

5. I Laugh More.

And of course, all this fun they’re having helps me have more fun too. I mean, how could I not join in?

6. Boys Love Their Mamas!

Now, I’m sure girls love their mamas too, but from what I’ve heard, there is an extra special love between mothers and sons. And let me tell you, I feel it. Even though my oldest probably thinks dad’s more fun, and my youngest is a total daddy’s boy, whenever they are sick or in need of comfort, it’s all mom for sure. And I love that.

One day as you’re brushing the hair out of your little boy’s eyes or wiping the jelly off his sticky fingers, he looks up and gives you a smile that lights him up from the inside out, and you think to yourself… ‘It doesn’t get any better than this.’ But it does… Because he grows up and becomes a good man and a good friend… and his smile still lights up your world. I love you so much, son!

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