Husband gets home and tells his wife

Husband gets home and tells his wife

“quick, get me a beer before it starts.”

She gets the beer. He chugs it and says “quick, get me another before it starts.”

She obliges. Husband again chugs it and says

“quick, get me another beer before it starts.”

The wife replies “if you want another beer you lazy bastard get your fat ass up and get it yourself!”

Husband murmurs “shit, it started.”


A husband & wife visited a farm

They saw a bull mating with a cow.

The wife asked the farm manager.

Wife: “How many times does a bull mate a day?”

Manager replied: “6 times a day.”

The wife looked at her husband & said “…. u see!”

Then the husband asked the manager.

Husband: “U mean 6 times a day with the same cow?”

Manager replied: “No, no, with different cows everyday.”

Husband looked at his wife & said: ” ….u see!”

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