Funny Story

My mother always told me,‘Boy, if somebody asks you a stupid question, you give them a stupid answer.’he cops walked up to my car,

‘Would you like to step out of the car?” I said,

The teacher addresses a student and asks him:“How many kidneys do we have?”


The backbencher student responds.Four? Haha

.”The teacher was one of those who took pleasure in picking on his students’ mistakes and demoralizing them.

“Bring a bundle of grass, because we have a donkey in the room,”

the teacher orders a frontbencher.”“And for me a coffee!”,

the backbencher student added.The teacher was angry and kicked the student out of the room.

Leaving the class, the student still had the audacity to correct the furious teacher:

“You asked me how many kidneys‘ we have.”

“We have four: two of mine and two of yours. ‘We have’ is an expression used for the plural. Enjoy the grass.”

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