Being a solo mom is more exhausting than anything you’ll ever do. Believe it. I want you to know I see you, you are doing a great job, and you’re appreciated.

No matter how many people you have around you, being a Mom is hard. Of course, it is! Parenting is some heavy-duty business. Today though, I’m talking directly to solo moms.

Dear Solo Moms Everywhere

I know all the things you have to do every single day just to keep all the balls in the air.

1. All the errands are on you.
Whether your kiddo needs a notebook or 2 dozen cupcakes the next day for school, it’s all on you. You can’t look across the table at someone and ask if they’ll run to the store and pick them up.

2. There is no one there to tag team those middle of the night throw-ups.
A little one getting sick in the middle of the night is THE WORST. Being a solo parent means there is no one to bring you an extra towel or soothe them while you change the clothes they just soiled.

3. No back-up.
Those days when you just really need to get to bed early, because you’ve caught a cold, have an early morning, or just are flat out exhausted from a long week; there’s no one to take over for you.

4. There’s no, “Go Ask Your Dad”.
Seriously, it’s a great cop-out. One that is used all the time because hey, sometimes you don’t want to answer the question or decide the outcome. ‘Go ask someone else’, is a great response. But single moms are the final decision maker, all day, every day.

5. You have to remember ALL the things.
It would be great if there was someone to share the burden of remembering. If someone misses a dentist appointment or forgets that yesterday at school was Hat Day, it’s all on you.

6. You also do all the worrying.
Like all moms, you worry. It would be amazing to have someone to tell me it’s OK and that I’m doing a good job. It would be equally as nice for someone to carry all this worry and guilt.

Being a mom is exhausting for everyone. But when you have little to no help doing it, it’s even more tiring. Cheers to all the single moms that are rocking it! ♥

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