A Mother’s Lies

This story will make you rethink about life

I was born into a poor family. Most of the time we didn’t have enough food for everyone.

At a meal times, my mother would often gave me a portion of her food and said, “Eat more son! I’m not hungry.”

When I was growing up, my mother used to spend her spare time fishing in a river near our house. Then she would make a delicious fish soup.

My mother would sit beside me and eat the soup without fish. I used to search the soup bowl for some fish to offer to her.

But she always refused and said, “Eat the fish, son. I don’t like fish!”

Then, when I was in High School, to pay my school fees, my mother worked two jobs.

One night, I woke up from my sleep, I saw my mother was still awake and working to cover her extra work.

I said to her, “Mom, go to sleep! It’s so late.”. She just smiled and said, “Go to sleep dear, I’m not tired.”

After I finished college and got a job, it was finally time for my mother to retire.

I had a good salary and asked her to live with me. So, she would be able to enjoy the rest of her life.

But she refused, “I have enough money. I’m not used to that kind of life son.”

In her old age, she got a rare disease and was taking her last breath…She looked so old and tired in that hospital bed.

But my mother, with what little strength she had remaining, said “Don’t cry, my son. I’m not in any pain”

After telling me the last lie, my dearest mother closed her eyes forever.

Mothers are blessing here on earth. If you are enough to still have your mother, please take every chances to thank her for her love. Appreciate her for every sacrifice she made. You never know when the last chance might be…

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